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Image by Roberto Nickson

But someone told me I can't do a Ketogenic diet because I have high cholesterol?

Dr. Elyse Tursi

Remember when science once thought the world was not round and if a penny dropped from the empire state building it could kill a person walking on the sidewalk. We have come a long way in our once thought to be true scientific theories that are proven debunked. The most held onto theory I hear at least once a day is "I can't eat egg yolks or fats because it will raise my cholesterol level." Fat doesn't make you fat, and cholesterol from food won't raise your cholesterol levels. The premise of a Ketogenic diet is one of high fat, high protein and low carbohydrate intake for a sustained period of time. This style of nutrition has gained popularity because it can help you to shed body fat quickly; although the clinical application for this nutritional profile was made for epileptic seizure disorders in children. There is a lot of misconception around dietary cholesterol intake causing bad blood chemistry numbers when in reality, ketogenic diets have great chemical benefits that can lower cholesterol.

A diet high in cholesterol can actually improve your total cholesterol number, LDL, HDL, VLDL and cholesterol ratio. Does this mean start eating lard and saturated fat? NO! It does mean to incorporate wild caught fish, olive oils and grass-fed organic meats. Not all fats are created equal so always choose superior quality. You may be wondering well if it is not egg yolks, bacon or butter that is causing my high cholesterol, what is it? It's likely you need liver and/or gut support. Eighty percent of cholesterol production occurs in the liver and intestines aka the "gut". Gut bacteria should also be evaluated as a contributing factor for abnormal blood lipids.

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